

The professional master's degree - PM in Clinical Management at UFSCar was submitted to CAPES, in compliance with Bid 02 / DAV / 2009 for the selection of PM proposals associated with residency in health.

The GPCM was approved on June 30, 2010. The Graduate Program in Clinical Management - PPGGC is a stricto sensu training modality, structured as a Professional Master and linked to the CAPES Collective Health area.

The proposal of the PM in Clinical Management was elaborated by professors linked to two academic centers of UFSCar: Center of Biological and Health Sciences - CBHS and Center of Education and Human Sciences - CEHS and five departments: Physical Education and Human Motricity, Nursing, Occupational Medicine, Psychology and Therapy.

The GPCM began in 2011 with twenty annual vacancies.




(i) there are significant demands from society and the Unified Health System for the production of knowledge aimed at improving the quality and safety of health care;

(ii) the interaction of graduate with undergraduate and with residency in health qualifies the
production and exchange of knowledge and

(iii) partnerships between the university and health services strengthen health systems; UFSCar approved with Capes a proposal for a master's degree in Clinical Management oriented to the production of knowledge applied to the areas of healthcare management, health work management, and health education management, aiming to contribute to the improvement of effectiveness, efficiency, and efficacy of health care.


Profile of Competency

The PM in Clinical Management aims to build a profile oriented to the management of care and work in health and the socialization and production of knowledge aimed at improving health practices. 

The competence profile for the clinical management master was built to make explicit the actions and capabilities (which underlie the actions) to be built for the development of professional excellence.

The conception used of competence is constructivist and implies the ability to mobilize different resources to solve, with pertinence and success, problems of professional practice in different contexts. 

The mobilization and combination of cognitive, attitudinal and psychomotor skills are translated into performance according to areas of competence. These areas make up the practice field of the Master in Clinical Management: 

(i) Health: care for individual and collective health needs;

(ii) Management: organization of work in health;

(iii) Education: socialization and generation of health knowledge.


Set of themes

Health practices are part of a complex framework of health needs and service delivery. The current epidemiological profile of the Brazilian population shows a concomitance of acute illnesses and chronic conditions, conditioned by the demographic transition and the transformations of developing societies. 

Addressing this multifaceted set of needs and demands on health services requires much more from the health professional than the specific mastery of the contents related to their profession or specialty. It requires the development of capacities for the transformation and innovation of health practices, aiming at the production of qualified and safe solutions. In this context, the theme of Health Administration and Management was prioritized.


Health care models

The dialog between the needs of a reorganization of the health system and the training of professionals, in the light of comprehensive care, guided the choice of the area of concentration in Clinical Management as the focus of knowledge production and training of professionals by the GPCM.

The production of knowledge for the development of techno-care models oriented by the comprehensiveness of health care places cares as a structuring axis of practices and the management of health needs as a guide for the organization of care.